October 28, 2015
No sporting events.
Orange Popcorn Chicken Stir-Fry
Taco Cheeseburger
Buffalo Chicken Pizza
Ham Chef Salad
Today is the last day to purchase 2015 Apollo Conference Championship t-shirts to celebrate our undefeated season. This year, there are two designs, one for the offense and one for defense, and you can choose which one you would like. Order forms are in the main office and you can return them to the Main Office or to Coach Odam. All order forms need to be turned in by the end of day. Shirt pickup will be Friday, November 6th. Go Tornadoes!
Scholastic Bowl
JV Scholastic Bowl
JV - your tournament is this Saturday and the van will be leaving at 7:00 AM with Mr. Grizzell. Please be here 5-10 minutes early.
Open mats for wrestling will be today at 6:00 p.m. and Thursday this week.
The wrestling team will be selling phone cases from now until November 10. Talk to any wrestler or Coach Pullen if you would like to place an order.
Girls Basketball
There will be a Parent/Coaches meeting for all girls and their parent/guardian who are interested in playing basketball this year on Sunday, Nov. 1, 2015 from 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM in the West Gym.
Boys Basketball
Boys basketball open gym will be today (Wednesday) at 4:00. Team shoe fitting, not ordering, will also take place at this time. Those still involved in fall sports need not be present.
Boys basketball players who intend to play this season but have NOT had a baseline concussion test must get screened on Monday at 3:20 in the computer lab. The cost is $5 and you must pick up a parent permission slip from Mr. Held's office.