Cook’s Choice
Fruit / Vegetable
4:30 PM BOYS V - BASEBALL Vs. IHSA Regional Semifinal Rochester vs Southeast (H) - THS Baseball Field
4:30 PM GIRLS V - SOFTBALL Vs. IHSA Regional Glenwood v MacArthur (H) - THS Softball Field
6:30 PM GIRLS V - SOFTBALL Vs. IHSA Regional Taylorville v SHG (H) - THS Softball Field
Attention 2019 Football members AND Fans. Online apparel catalogs are available for pick-up in the weightroom for your upcoming Football season apparel needs. Catalogs are first come, first serve. All orders are due online June 3rd, 2019. If you have any questions, see Coach Mateer.
Musical DVD
Anyone who ordered a Cinderella DVD can pick them up from Mr. Gunn in the Band Room.
Counseling Center
Any student wanting to take summer school must see their counselor. There are a limited number of seats available. We will be allowing upperclassmen the opportunity first. Please don't wait to sign up.