Chicken Nachos
BBQ Chicken Pizza
Pimento Cheeseburger
Baked Beans / Baby Carrots
Fresh Fruit Juice
If anyone found a ring in the 3rd floor girls restroom last week, please return it to Mrs. Arcís in Room 300. Thank you!
This week, December 5-9, is Computer Science Week. Taylorville Schools will once again be participating in Hour of Code. You can visit or to access a variety of coding programs at various levels. Once you have completed the hour of code, please show proof of completion (you can print out a certificate, take a screenshot, or a picture with your phone) to any teacher or Mrs. Vocks in the computer lab by December 13. We will have a variety of prizes again this year, including a Chromebook.
Student Council
Thank you all for the support shown for the Angel Tree Project. Just a few more angels left on the angel tree. Stop by the Main Office and select an angel. When returning your gift, PLEASE DO NOT WRAP! Gifts are to be returned no later than Tuesday, December 13th. Please remember to include your pink or blue angel with your gift.
The Royal Celebration awaits! Tickets for the 33rd Annual Madrigal Dinner are currently on sale in the Main Office. Join us on Friday, December 16th or Saturday, December 17th at 6:00 p.m. Ticket price - $22 Adults $15 Students
Please join the wrestling team for Armed Forces Night Wrestling Event in the THS West Gym this evening. Posting of the colors will be at 5:45 p.m. with wrestling starting at 6:00 p.m. It is "Pearl Harbor Day" and we have designated this meet as "Armed Forces Night" as we will be honoring our Military Service Men and Women (Both active and Veterans). We will also be holding a special fundraiser for Maggie Bilyeu (2008 THS Graduate and relative to one our own TJHS Wrestlers Elijah Robbins). For those of you that may not know, Maggie is a member of the United States Army and was one of 16 U.S. service members that were injured in a Taliban attack in a U.S. airfield in Afghanistan back in November. 4th. Maggie is recovering out East in a military hospital and her family is going back and forth to see her through her recovery and healing. The Taylorville Wrestling Program along with the Tornado Wrestling Foundation is going to have donation buckets and 50/50 raffle (ALL proceeds will go directly to Maggie's family). If you are free this evening, please come to our dual and help support one of our own.
Counseling Center
Attention Students: The Jostens' Rep will be here on Wednesday, December 14 to deliver class rings. If you ordered a ring, please see the rep in the cafeteria from 7:30 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.