Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Mini Corn Dogs
Mac & Cheese Pizza
Green Beans & Side Salad
Banana & Peaches


Battle of the Classes:
November 30 Student Services will calculate which class has the best attendance for the month and host an ice cream sundae bar during all three lunches for that class with the highest average on Friday, Dec 1.
Standings will be posted on the Student Services bulletin board and displayed in the cafeteria weekly.
Good luck to all and remember that every day you are here--you are making a positive difference.

Student Council
Just a reminder that Student Council is having a food drive going on now through November 30th.  Food items should be brought to your 1st hour class. Winning class will receive a breakfast party.

The Christmas Angel tree has been placed in the Main Office.  Angels are ready to be picked up.  Please remember after you select an angel to sign the list on the counter.  Gifts will need to be returned by Tuesday, December 12th.