Thursday, May 11, 2017

May 11, 2017
Spaghetti Carbonara
Florentine chicken
Flatbread Pizza
Tater Tots / Baby Carrots
Fresh Fruit / Applesauce

The following students need to report to the Main Office at the end of 1st hour today:
Justin Bell, Connor Black, Sarah Black, Logan Clayton, Lawrence Curtin, Claudia Lynn, Tristan Letcher, Madison Taylor and Cayde Schmulbach.
Please clean your lockers out this week!  Trash bins will be located in the Main Hallway. Thank you.
Cheer Tryouts
Tryouts will begin Monday May 15th at 5:30 p.m. in the east gym.
Must have current physical and registered on 8to18 website.
Any questions contact Shelly 827-8787

Attention all wrestlers:  The Taylorville H.S. Wrestling program will be having its annual wrestling camp June 12th-15th @ the North School Annex. Wrestling Room.  Sign-up forms are available in the main office and are due May 26th.  Wrestling camp is for all interested boys and girls in grades K-12.  If you have any questions, please contact Head Wrestling Coach Lee Mateer @ THS ( or 217-827-3316)  

Attention Students:  Applications for Summer School are now available from the counselors in Student Services.  Deadline to apply is May 26.

Attention Students:  If you took the ASVAB on April 20, your scores will be available on Thursday, May 11 during advisory in Computer Lab 223.  A military representative will be here to interpret your scores for you.  Please see the counselors in Student Services for questions.
Attention Seniors:  We have extra graduation announcements available for purchase in Student Services.  Cost is $1.25 each or 5 for $6.00
Attention Seniors:  Please check your school email thru the end of school for information on recipients of scholarship awards.  All students receiving local scholarships and university scholarships will be recognized at Senior Awards Night this evening and will be listed in the graduation program.  Please fill out the form that was sent to you and return to Ms. Wagoner in Student Services.

Attention Students:  If you have requested to take the classes Film as Literature and/or Computer Applications and Systems for next year, you must complete the online LLCC application that was sent to you in your school email.  The application must be completed by June 1 or you will be removed from the class.  See Ms. Wagoner in Student Services for questions.