Popcorn Chicken Bowl
Hawaiian Pizza
Veggie Burger
Nacho Salad
Sporting Events
10/18/2022 5:00 PM Girls F - VOLLEYBALL vs. Lincoln HS (A) - Lincoln HS
10/18/2022 5:00 PM Boys V - SOCCER vs. Springfield HS (A) - Springfield HS
10/18/2022 6:00 PM Girls JV - VOLLEYBALL vs. Lincoln HS (A) - Lincoln HS
10/18/2022 7:00 PM Girls V - VOLLEYBALL vs. Lincoln HS (A) - Lincoln HS
CEO's Haunted Car Wash, held from 7 p.m. to 12 a.m. at Car Wash City by Mach 1. We will be holding the Car Wash on the 22nd, 28th, and 29th. We will be selling the tickets for $15, available in the TommyTV studio.
Picture Retakes
Picture retake day has been scheduled for Thursday, October 27th. Photographer will be available before school, during lunch and during advisory.
Happy Halloween!
This year we are excited to be getting in the Halloween Spirit here at THS. On Monday, October 31ST , you can dress up in your scariest, most original, most creative or best group/theme costume for your chance to win! We also challenge each Advisory to decorate their door for a chance at a pizza party. The top 5 doors will win a pizza party and each advisor will win a gift card.
Plan to bring your grandkids, brothers, sister, cousin or friend to Trick or “Treating on Monday, October 31st at the high school from 5 – 6:30 p.m.
Student Council
Student Council’s blood drive is coming up on October 28. To sign up, fill out the Google Doc Form sent out by Mrs. Crowe. If you are 16, grab a parental consent form from the Main Office. Any questions, contact Darrian Ippolito..
On Thursday, October 20th there will be a dress up day sponsored by student council. Wear your best gold attire and please bring money to donate to our fundraiser for childhood cancer.
On Saturday, October 22 student council is hosting their first annual “Gold Walk”. To participate in this walk a thon fundraiser grab a pledge sheet from the main office or Mrs. Crowes room. If you have any questions please ask Abigail Mizeur.
Any Junior who would like to help plan this year's prom needs to come to meetings on Tuesdays. Either a before school at 8:05 a.m. or an after school at 3:20 p.m. Meetings will be held in room 314. If you have any questions, please speak with Mrs. Tanner or Miss Potter
Athletes who have not turned in Gold Rush tickets – all tickets, sold or unsold, must be turned in by the end of the day. Please turn them in to Mrs. Brown in the Main Office.
Student Services
Jostens will be coming into the school to give a presentation during 3rd hour on October 31st for seniors. They will also be back on November 4th from 7:30 am to 1 pm to take their orders. This will be information for all seniors about caps and gowns and other senior graduation materials (Graduation invites).