Thursday, April 11, 2019


Bosco Cheese Stick
BBQ Siracha Chicken Pizza
Enchilada Stacker
Baked Beans / Celery
Fresh Fruit / Apple Crisp

4:30 PMBOYS V - TRACK and FIELD Vs. Triangular - Coed Rochester, Lincoln & SHG(A) - Rochester HS
4:30 PMBOYS V - BASEBALL Vs. Warrensburg - Latham HS(A) - Warrensburg - Latham HS-dismiss 2:30 – bus 2:45
4:30 PMGIRLS V - SOFTBALL Vs. Nokomis HS(H) - THS Softball Field
4:30 PMGIRLS V - SOCCER Vs. Charleston HS(H) - THS Soccer Field
4:30 PMGIRLS V - TRACK and FIELD Vs. Triangular - Coed Rochester HS and Lincoln HS(A) - Rochester HS-dismiss 3:00 – bus 3:15
6:00 PMGIRLS JV - SOFTBALL Vs. Nokomis HS(H) - THS Softball Field


Your community challenge tip for the day is to ask your parents what temperature their water heater is set on. A water heater set to 140 degrees or higher can waste $36–$61 each year. Have your parents turn down the water heater to 120 degrees to save energy without giving up those warm, relaxing showers.

Friday THS will be hosting the IHSA State Organizational Music Contest. Due to this event, students will not be able to utilize the cafeteria and east gym after school on Friday.

The winners for Decade Day are Blake Donnan and Alex Grendze. Please see Mrs. Crowe for your prize sometime today.

Attention juniors and seniors.

First round of voting for Prom King and Queen is now open. It will stay open until noon on Friday. Please make sure to check your email and fill out the google form. Thank you

Attention Seniors:

Seniors please check your emails for a senior quote submission form. No responses will be accepted after Thursday, April 25th.

Seniors: Check your email for a google form to vote for Senior Week days. Voting ends Friday at 1PM.


Madrigal Auditions will be held during the month of May for next year’s Madrigal Singers group. If you have thought about being a part of this exciting tradition, this is your chance! Information sheets and the required music for the audition are available now in the main office and outside the choir room (room 159). There will be an optional audition workshop at 3:30 on Monday, May 6. Anyone who wants to know what the audition will be like and learn the required music should attend the workshop. Auditions will be held Tuesday, May 7 and Wednesday, May 8. You must sign up for a specific audition time outside the choir room. See Mr. Chase if you have any questions.


Students please stop by the library and see if you have any fines and pay. When you pay your fine you can enter your name in a drawing for a basket of goodies. See Ms. Porter or Mr. Thorpe for more information.

Counseling Center

SENIORS: Senior Awards Night is Wednesday, May 8. This is a wonderful opportunity to recognize and celebrate your accomplishments. Information forms are available from your English teachers. The forms will also be emailed to your school account, a copy is available on the Counseling Department website and there are copies in the MAIN office. Forms are due May 3 by 3:30 pm to Mrs. Heberling.

The following colleges/universities will be here to meet with students. If interested in attending, please register in Student Services and get a pass from a counselor:

Lincoln Land Community College (IL) April 25, 2019 at 9:00am.
University of Missouri-St Louis (MO) April 30, 2019 at 8:30am.

Please check your school email for the latest scholarship bulletin. A copy of the Scholarship Bulletin is also available on the Counseling Department website. Several scholarships have deadlines approaching!