Monday, March 12, 2018

Chicken Quesadilla Wedge
Mediterranean Meatball Wrap
Sausage Pizza
Corn & Broccoli
Fresh Fruit & Mixed Fruit
04:00 PM
GIRLS V - SOCCER Vs. Springfield Lutheran Tourney Vs. Athens Hs
(A) - Springfield Lutheran HS


Attention Students:  First National Bank is looking for a student employee willing to work Fridays until 6 p.m. and every Saturday morning.  Must be 16 years of age. See Ms. Wagoner in Student Services for additional information.

Counseling Center
Attention Seniors:  The following scholarship applications are due in March.  Please observe the deadline dates. Scholarship applications are available in Student Services:

Taylorville Optimist Club - March 15
VFW Auxiliary Post 4495 - March 15
CWA Memorial Scholarship - March 24
Women of the Springfield Diocesan Council of Catholic Women - March 30
Libby Moore Memorial Scholarship - March 31

Attention Seniors:  The Bruce Hohenstein Memorial Scholarship application is now available in Student Services.  Applicants must live in the former Mt. Auburn school district. Deadline to apply is April 16.  Award amount is $1,000.

Attention Seniors:  The Wilma Wolfe Nursing Scholarship is now available in Student Services and online on the counseling link of the high school web page.  Applicants must plan to major in nursing. Deadline to apply is April 1. Award amount is $1,000.

The following college/universities will be here to meet with students.  If interested in attending, please register in Student Services and get a pass from a counselor.
LLCC – Tue. March 20 at 9:00 am
Univ of Missouri - Columbia - Fri, March 23 at 10 am
UIS - Tue, March 27 at 9:30 am
LLCC - Wed. April 11 at 9:00 am
Illinois College - Tue, March 27 at 10 am

Mount Mercy University - Tue, April 17 at 2 pm