Thursday, October 12, 2017

Hamburger Horseshoe
Beef Steak Pizza
Chick n Cheese Griller
French Fries & Celery
Orange & Applesauce
Congratulations to the following THS Band, Choir and Jazz Band Members on  being named to the Illinois Music Education Association's District 5 Music Ensembles:
BAND - Blake Beckley, Drew Brookens, Elyse Clayton, Paige Daly, AALex Evrley, Markus Goodman, Tawney Minks, Hailey Rhodes, Cara Rivecco, Tyler Sherbert and Tate Wagner.
ORCHESTRA - Keaton Hohenstein, Gunther Abernathy and Kaylee Jones
CHOIR - Connor Chase, Elizabeth Coady, Zachary Cook, Jessica Mathias, Tawney Minks, Lennon Myers, Jordan Reeter, Emily Thorpe.
JAZZ BAND - Blake Beckley, Connor Chase, Alex Evrley, Keaton Hohenstein, Aiden Merker, Tawney Minks, Blake Rice, Cara Rivecco, Austin Sharer, Jacob Thomas, Emily Thorpe, Carly Tracey, Tate Wagner and Zack Woodall.

Picture Retakes
Any students and faculty who still need to have their pictures taken by the official school photographer will have one final opportunity to do so next Tuesday, October 17. The photographer will be set up in the high school cafeteria from 7:00 in the morning through lunch. No purchase is necessary, but all students and faculty must have their pictures taken for attendance purposes, as well as for inclusion in the yearbook.
It is Teen Read Week stop by the library and see what books we have.  Mrs. Morrison will be glad to suggest a good book to read.

Blood Drive
There will be a blood drive on Thursday, October 19th.  Blood donors who are 16 years old need to complete a parental consent form. Sign-up sheet and consent forms are in the Main Office.
Powderpuff Football Game
On Thursday, November 9th at 7:00 p.m. on the THS football field, the Christian County CEO class will be hosting a Powderpuff, or all-girls, flag football game.  Each class will have a team coached by members of the varsity football team and every person signed up will have playing time.  There will be three games played:  a freshman vs junior, sophomore vs. senior, and a championship game.  During the event, there will be a cake auction at halftime.  A 50/50 raffle will also be taking place at the event with proceeds benefiting a local charity.  All registration forms need to be returned to the main office by Friday, October 20th 2017, by 3:00 p.m.  The fee to register is $15 and will cover the price of a t-shirt and entry to the event.  By signing this form, you are stating that the Christian County CEO class is not responsible for any injuries that occur during the event.  Forms are available in the Main Office.

Attention Juniors:
Anyone interested in helping with this years Prom, there will be a meeting today after school in Mrs. Tanners Room, Room 306, at 3:05 p.m.  

Attention all Wrestlers for this upcoming 2017-2018 season:
Open Mats will begin Monday, October 16th, 2017 at 4pm-5:30pm.  Open Mats will be every Monday and Wednesday until the start of the season (November 6th, 2017).  If you have any questions, please see Coach Mateer.

Counseling Center
Attention Students:  McDonald's is having an open interview session today from  4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.  If interested, stop by the local McDonald's.  Students who are 15 years old may apply and will need to get a worker's permit.
Attention Seniors:  The Josten's rep will be here today to take your cap and gown orders during the lunch hours in the cafeteria.  See the counselors in Student Services if you have questions.
The following colleges/universities will be here to meet with students.  If interested in attending, please register in Student Services and get a pass from a counselor.
National Air Guard - October 13 during the lunch hours in the cafeteria
Eastern Illinois University - October 16 at 9:30 a.m.