Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Chicken Alfredo Pasta

Spicy Sausage

BBQ Pork Sandwich

Side Salad

Sliced Carrots

Diced Pears



4:30 PM-6:30 PM SOCCER B V vs Lincoln HS (H) - THS Soccer Field

5:00 PM-6:00 PM VOLLEYBALL G F vs Mt. Zion HS (H) - West Gym

6:00 pm-7:00 pm VOLLEYBALL G JV vs Mt. Zion HS (H) - West Gym

7:00 pm-8:00 pm VOLLEYBALL G V vs Mt. Zion HS (H) - West Gym


The Breakfast of Champions for Friday morning has been cancelled. All students who signed up will report to their first hour class like normal on Friday.


Dress Up Days for Homecoming are as follows:

Tuesday, September 21      Trucker Tuesday

Wednesday, September 22 Country vs. Country Club

Thursday, September 23      Celebrity Day

Friday, September 24          Purple & Gold Day

Guest Passes

Guest Passes for Homecoming are available in the Main Office.  Homecoming is for Taylorville High School Students and their guest.  If you are bringing a guest that is not a student at THS the following rules apply:

1.       Guest cannot be a student at any junior high school.

2.      THS student is responsible for securing a guest pass form and having their guest complete all the required information.

3.      THS student is required to have guest pass form signed by Taylorville High School Administrator prior to the event and student must present form along with picture ID of guest to gain entrance to the dance.

Homecoming tickets are on sale in the morning and during lunch for $15. If you are buying tickets for a guest who is not a Taylorville High School student, bring your completed guest pass with you. Last day to purchase tickets is Thursday, 9/23/21.

Student Council

Student Council is hosting a blood drive on Friday, October 1st. If you are 16 years old or older and would like to donate, please contact Kennedie Cearlock or you can sign up in the main office! 16-year-olds must have a parental consent form you can pick up in the main office.

 Student Services

The following College & military representatives will visit this week:

Tuesday - Illinois College, Eastern Illinois University

Thursday - Quincy University

Please sign up in Student Services if you want to talk to a representative.