Monday, March 20, 2017

Breakfast for Lunch
Mexican Pizza
Tater Tots/Side Salad
Fresh Fruit / Mixed Fruit

A big thank you to all students that participated in last week's National Foreign Language Week activities!  Congratulations to the following students: Dylan Bozarth for winning the tortilla flip contest, Jessi Mathias for participating the most in the learning of cultural songs, Griffin Davis for participating the most at the Karoake Party, and Claudia Lynn for winning the "guess the number of goodies" contest.  The answer to Friday's trivia question (What Latin American city will host its 27th annual International Poetry Festival this July?) was MedellĂ­n, Colombia.

Behind the Wheel Students
There will be no driving today 1st and 6th hour.

Video Game Tournament
There will be a Video Game Tournament in the THS Cafeteria on Tuesday, April 11th at 6:30 p.m.  You may vote for the games during your lunch hours.  Cost to participate is $5.
Attention Seniors:  Senior announcements and tankards will be distributed on Friday, April 7during the lunch hours in the cafeteria.  Caps and gowns will be distributed during graduation practice on Monday, May 22.  
Attention Seniors:  The Dr. George Ferry Memorial Scholarship is due March 31.  If you are planning a career in a medical field, you should consider applying.  Return application materials to Ms. Wagoner in Student Services.

Attention Juniors and Seniors:  The University of Illinois at Springfield is hosting an informational meeting for students interested in earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree on March 28 at 6:30 p.m. held at Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation.  If interested in attending, students must RSVP at