Monday, April 24, 2017

Breakfast for Lunch
Mexican Pizza
Tater Tots / Side Salad
Fresh Fruit / Mixed Fruit
4:30 PM
(H) - THS Softball Field
4:30 PM
BOYS V - BASEBALL Vs. Rochester HS
(H) - THS Baseball Field
4:30 PM
BOYS F - BASEBALL Vs. Springfield HS
(A) - LLCC Backfield
6:00 PM
(H) - THS Softball Field

And the 2017 Prom Court is.....

Madelyn Althoff
Mallory Brotherton
Brooke Burke
Payton Champley
Erica Leigh
Anna Lowry
Ellie Reber
Sydney Wolf
Allison Wright

Christian Allen
Zeb Campbell
Lawrence Curtain
Sean Daly
Zebert Dunaway
Heath Fleming
Chad Grant
Jesus Montoya
Parker Stokes

Congratulations to our 2017 Prom Court Members.  Please see Ms. Potter to get a form that needs to be filled out.  Voting for Prom Queen and Prom King are now in the emails of all Juniors and Seniors.  Voting will be open from now until Friday.

Prom Committee is selling Tumblers during lunch.  The price is $7.  But if you buy more than one at a time they are $6 each.  Come check them out during lunch hours.

Journalism Team
Congratulations to the THS journalism team for their second-place finish at the IHSA journalism sectional competition, held Saturday, April 22, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. THS competed against ten other high schools, placing in 16 of 17 events, with eight team members advancing to the state competition, to be held at Eastern Illinois University Charleston this Friday, April 28. Freshman Ashlee Vocks took first place in Broadcast News and sophomore Seth Sloan took first in Sports Writing, while second-place medals went to juniors Noah Nelson in Headline Writing, Jessica Oyler in Newswriting, Peyton Jackson in Photo Storytelling and Jessica Parsons in Yearbook Caption Writing. Parsons also finished third in Yearbook Layout and Design, while Senior Luke Sloan took second in Newspaper Design and third in Editorial Writing, with freshman Sydney Yonk bringing home a third-place medal for Copy Editing. 

Social Studies Student of the Month
Please congratulate April's Social Studies Student of the month, Shaunee Johnson!

Attention all wrestlers:  The Taylorville H.S. Wrestling program will be having its annual wrestling camp June 12th-15th @ the North School Annex. Wrestling Room.  Sign-up forms are available in the main office and are due May 26th.  Wrestling camp is for all interested boys and girls in grades K-12.  If you have any questions, please contact Head Wrestling Coach Lee Mateer @ THS ( or 217-827-3316)  

Madrigal Auditions will be held during the month of May for next year’s Madrigal Singers group.  If you have thought about being a part of this exciting tradition, this is your chance!  Information sheets and the required music for the audition are available now in the main office and outside the choir room (room 159).  There will be an optional audition workshop at 3:30 on Monday, May 8.  Anyone who wants to know what the audition will be like and learn the required music should attend the workshop.  Auditions will be held Tuesday, May 9 and Wednesday, May 10.  You must sign up for a specific audition time outside the choir room.  See Mr. Chase if you have any questions.
Student Council
Student Council is hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, April 26th.  Sign-up sheets are in the Main Office.  If you are 16 years old you must submit a parental consent form when you are donating blood.

Key Club
Key club is hosting a canned food drive for Taylorville Food Pantry. Bring items into your first hour now through May 5th. The 1st hour class with the most points will receive donuts and breakfast pizza.

Attention Seniors:  Scholarship applications for the Kids Are Kids Memorial Scholarship are now available in Student Services.  Applicants must plan on pursuing a degree in special education or presently receiving special education services.
Deadline to apply is June 1, 2017.  Award amount is $1,000.00.