Chicken Carbanaro
Cheeseburger Pizza
Baked Beans & Celery
Orange & Applesauce
There will be a Prom meeting today after school or Friday morning. Please make sure you are present at one of the meetings.
The Royal Celebration awaits! Tickets for the 35rd Annual Madrigal Dinner are currently on sale in the Main Office.
Join us on Friday, December 15th or Saturday, December 16th at 6:00 p.m. Ticket price - $22 Adults $15 Students
Join us on Friday, December 15th or Saturday, December 16th at 6:00 p.m. Ticket price - $22 Adults $15 Students
Battle of the Classes:
In the attendance battle of the classes we have the final results--the freshmen have won the November contest with a 94.28% attendance rate. Congratulations and each freshman is eligible for the ice cream sundae treat during lunch tomorrow. Sophomores were second with 93.42%, juniors third with 92.06%, and seniors finished with an 89.36% rate. Congratulations THS class of 2021. We will have another attendance contest beginning tomorrow Dec 1.
Student Council
Today is the last day for the Student Council food drive. Food items should be brought to your 1st hour class. Winning class will receive a breakfast party.
Angel Tree
Angel Tree Gifts will need to be returned by Tuesday, December 12th.