Mac & Cheese
Chicken Salad BLT
Meatball Pizza
Green Beans & Side Salad
Banana & Peaches
No Sporting Events.
There will be a mandatory informational baseball meeting Thursday morning in the West Gym at 7:50 AM. All equipment, uniforms and bats must be turned in or the players will be charged.
Battle of the Classes:
Many of you asked about the freshmen ice cream bar, and why were the 9th graders getting all the love. Well, now is your chance to have your own class ice cream bar. At the end of the month, on November 30 Student Services will calculate which class has the best attendance for the month and host an ice cream sundae bar during all three lunches for that class with the highest average on Friday, Dec 1. Currently here are the standings:
Freshmen are leading with an average daily attendance of 95.12% Sophomores are second with 93.65% Juniors are third with 93.63% and seniors are in last place with 90.57%.
Standings will be posted on the Student Services bulletin board and displayed in the cafeteria weekly.
Good luck to all and remember that every day you are here--you are making a positive difference.
Student Council
The student council will host a Volleyball Tournament on Wednesday, November 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the West Gym. Each team must consist of 6 people minimum with at least 2 people being of the opposite gender. The cost is $5 per player and winners will receive their entry fee back. All money made will be donated to Loving Arms. Sign-up sheets are available in the Main Office. Completed forms and money will be collected at the door.
Student Council
Just a reminder that Student Council is having a food drive going on now through November 30th. Food items should be brought to your 1st hour class. Winning class will receive a breakfast party.
Powderpuff Football Game
On Thursday, November 9th at 7:00 p.m. on the THS football field, the Christian County CEO class will be hosting a Powderpuff, or all-girls, flag football game. Each class will have a team coached by members of the varsity football team and every person signed up will have playing time. There will be three games played: a freshman vs junior, sophomore vs. senior, and a championship game. During the event, there will be a cake auction at halftime. A 50/50 raffle will also be taking place at the event with proceeds benefiting a local charity.
Counseling Center
Lincoln College will be here today @ 1pm. If you would like to meet with the rep, sign up in Student Services and request a pass by 11/07/17
Illinois College will be here Tue 11/14/17 @ 9am. If students would like to meet with the rep, they should sign up in Student Services & request a pass by 11/7/17.
University of Missouri - STL will be here Tue Nov 14 @ 1pm. If you would like to meet with the rep, sign up in Student Services & request a pass by 11/13/17.