Friday, January 18, 2019
Buffalo Chicken Sandwich
White Garlic Pizza
Cheesy Bread Chili
Baked Beans / Cucumbers
Fresh Fruit / Fruit Punch
6:00 PMBOYS V - BASKETBALL Vs. 52nd Annual Litchfield Invitational vs Greenville HS(A) - Litchfield HS
6:00 PMBOYS V - WRESTLING Vs. Sacred Heart-Griffin HS(H) - THS West Gym
TBABOYS JV - BASKETBALL Vs. Tournament Litchfield Varsity Tourn(A) - Litchfield HS
Saturday, January 19, 2019
9:00 AMBOYS V - WRESTLING Vs. Rochester Rocket Invite(A) - Rochester HS - RAC
9:00 AMBOYS V - BOWLING Vs. IHSA Sectionals(A) - TBA
9:00 AMGIRLS V - BOWLING Vs. Decatur Tri-Ike Tourney Canceled(A) -
10:00 AMGIRLS F - BASKETBALL Vs. Pana HS(A) - Effingham HS
11:00 AMGIRLS F - BASKETBALL Vs. Effingham HS(A) - Effingham HS
TBABOYS V - BASKETBALL Vs. 52nd Annual Litchfield Invitational Tourn.(A) - Litchfield HS
TBAGIRLS V - BASKETBALL Vs. Highland Invitational Tourn.(A) - Highland HS
The School Store is open again! Stop in before or after school! Prices reduced!
Purple Reign
Purple Reign is having a Pajama Day on Friday, January 25th to show support for Gary Jones family. The cost to participate is $2. You can pay either in the cafeteria or in the Main Foyer.
Dodge Ball Tournament
St. Mary’s Church is hosting a dodgeball tournament on Sunday, January 27th Sign-ups begin at 5:30 and games begin at 6:00 p.m. Registration forms are available in the Main Office. Contract Cara Rivecco if you have any questions.
Counseling Center
CACC is hosting an Open House on Thursday, January 24 from 5-7 pm. They are located at 2201 Toronto Road, Springfield.
The following colleges/universities will be here to meet with students. If interested in attending, please register in Student Services and get a pass from a counselor:
Northern Illinois University (IL) February 5, 2019 at 2:00pm.
Quincy University (IL) March 14, 2019 at 2:30pm.