Vegetarian Fried Rice
Hot Dog
Freshly Diced Tomatoes
Mixed Fruit
4:00 PM-6:00 PM GOLF B V vs Shelbyville HS (H) - Lakeshore Golf Course
4:00 PM-6:00 PM GOLF G V vs Shelbyville HS (H) - Lakeshore Golf Course
6:00 PM-8:00 PM FOOTBALL B JV vs Effingham HS (A) - Effingham HS
Congratulations to our 2021 Homecoming Queen Emma Pennock and King Beau McConnell.
Weekly Shield Testing starts tomorrow. Students who signed up and turned in a consent will be called down to the East gym around 10:00. Please remember nothing to eat or drink 1 hour prior to testing. Any questions please see Mrs. Owens.
Student Council
Student Council is hosting a blood drive on Friday, October 1st. If you are 16 years old or older and would like to donate, please contact Kennedie Cearlock or you can sign up in the main office! 16-year-olds must have a parental consent form you can pick up in the main office.
Picture Retakes
Picture retakes will be Tuesday, October 5th.
Student Services
A college rep from Bradley University will be here on Thursday. Please sign up in Students Services if you would like to meet with the rep.