Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Mini Corn Dog
Pizza Loca
Corn / Side Salad
Fresh Fruit / Peaches                                                          

Congratulations to the THS journalism staff for their performance in the Illinois Journalism Education Association's 2017 Newspaper Contest. Among Division 2 schools, the THS Zephyr took first place for "Best Print Publication" and second for "Best Overall Publication." Senior Luke Sloan took first and second place in "Best Front-Page Design" for two separate issues of the Zephyr, as well as fist place in "Best Overall Design," first and third place for "Best Humorous Commentary," first place in "Best Staff Editorial," and second place for "Best Headline." Freshman Sydney Yonk took first place in "Best Personality Profile," while freshman Ashlee Vocks won first place in "Best News or Feature Photo" and third place for "Best Centerspread Story Package," with junior Jessica Parsons placing first in that same category. Sophomore Seth Sloan took second place in both "Best Feature Story" and "Best Sports Feature Story," with junior Noah Nelson placing third in that same category. Freshman Mason Seelback finished third in "Best Sports News Story," with seniors Thorin Roberts and Dakota Hudson taking third place in "Best News Story" and "Best Editorial Cartoon" respectively. Honorable mentions went out to Seth Sloan for "Best Staff Editorial," Noah Nelson for "Best Editorial Cartoon," and Thorin Roberts for "Best Headline."  
Students need to clean out their locker this week.  Trash container will be in the hallways.  Thank you!
Prom Pictures
Prom pictures have arrived and may be picked up in Room 144 before or after school.
All students need to return library books and pay any book fines.
Cross Country
There will be an informational meeting today after school at 3:10 p.m. for anyone interested in joining the 2017-2018 Tornado Cross Country Team.  The summer conditioning schedule will be available.  See Coach Walters in the cafeteria.
Girls Basketball
Any Taylorville High School girls that are interested in playing basketball come to the parent/players meeting in Coach Keller’s classroom at the Junior High in the 8th grade wing on Wednesday, May 17th at 5:30 p.m.
Girl’s Soccer
Any Taylorville High School girls that are interested in playing soccer, please sign up in the Main Office or email Coach Andruch by Thursday, May 18th at 4:00 p.m. jordan.andruch@tcusd3.org  Summer sessions will be held once players sign up.  Email updates will let you know when summer sessions will be!

Attention all wrestlers:  The Taylorville H.S. Wrestling program will be having its annual wrestling camp June 12th-15th @ the North School Annex. Wrestling Room.  Sign-up forms are available in the main office and are due May 26th.  Wrestling camp is for all interested boys and girls in grades K-12.  If you have any questions, please contact Head Wrestling Coach Lee Mateer @ THS (lmateer@tcusd3.org or 217-827-3316)  
Attention Students:  Applications for Summer School are now available from the counselors in Student Services.  Deadline to apply is May 26.
Attention Seniors:  We have extra graduation announcements available for purchase in Student Services.  Cost is $1.25 each or 5 for $6.00
Attention Students:  If you have requested to take the classes Film as Literature and/or Computer Applications and Systems for next year, you must complete the online LLCC application that was sent to you in your school email.  The application must be completed by June 1 or you will be removed from the class.  See Ms. Wagoner in Student Services for questions.