Hamburger Horseshoe
Pizza Loca
French Fries / Celery Sticks
Fresh Fruit / Pears
No sporting events.
Congratulations on to Thorin Roberts, Dakota Hudson and Jolene Clayton on competing in this year’s Congressional Art Show! They will receive a certificate for participating.
Congratulations to Tori Hart for her artwork winning 3rd place at the Congressional Art Show District 13 show. Her artwork will hang in Congressman Rodney Davis' office in Taylorville for the rest of the Year!
And congratulations to JT Boehme for his artwork winning 1st place at the Congressional Art Show! His work will hang in the US Capitol Building for the rest of the year!
Prom Pictures
Prom pictures have arrived and may be picked up in Room 144 before or after school.
All students need to return library books and pay any book fines.
Students need to clean out their locker this week. Trash container will be in the hallways. Thank you!
Girls Basketball
Any Taylorville High School girls that are interested in playing basketball come to the parent/players meeting in Coach Keller’s classroom at the Junior High in the 8th grade wing this evening at 5:30 p.m.
Girl’s Soccer
Any Taylorville High School girls that are interested in playing soccer, please sign up in the Main Office or email Coach Andruch by Thursday, May 18th at 4:00 p.m. Summer sessions will be held once players sign up. Email updates will let you know when summer sessions will be!
Attention all wrestlers: The Taylorville H.S. Wrestling program will be having its annual wrestling camp June 12th-15th @ the North School Annex. Wrestling Room. Sign-up forms are available in the main office and are due May 26th. Wrestling camp is for all interested boys and girls in grades K-12. If you have any questions, please contact Head Wrestling Coach Lee Mateer @ THS ( or 217-827-3316)
Attention Students: Applications for Summer School are now available from the counselors in Student Services. Deadline to apply is May 26.
Attention Seniors: We have extra graduation announcements available for purchase in Student Services. Cost is $1.25 each or 5 for $6.00