Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Chicken & Noodles

Meatball Pizza

BBQ Cheeseburger

Honey Mustard Chicken Wings

Sporting Events

01/17/2023 6:00 PM   Boys V - WRESTLING vs. Lincoln and Mt. Zion    (H) - THS West Gym

01/17/2023 TBA      Girls V - BASKETBALL vs. Highland Invitational Tourn    (A) - Highland Invitational Tourn


This Thursday, January 19th at 3:00 PM there will be an informational meeting in the west gym for any boy interested in playing tennis this spring.

Student Council

Student Council’s blood drive is coming up on January 23rd. To sign up, fill out the form sent by Mrs. Crowe. If you are 16, grab a parental consent form from the main office. Contact Darrian Ippolito for any questions. The blood drive will be held in the West Gym Lobby.


The first read through for Annie is today after school in the THS band room starting at 4:00pm. The full cast is needed for costume measurements and contracts.


The THStore will be open today during advisory.  Can't make it?  Then come see us Wednesday morning at 8:15!

Key Club

Key Club is holding a winter accessory drive for the younger kids in our community from 1/9 - 1/27. Please donate gloves, stocking caps and/or scarfs in the receptacle outside student services. Thank you for helping our community.